About me Photography for me is a challenging and rewarding hobby that lets me capture unique moments in time of my family, friends and places. This isn’t my primary income and hopefully never will be. I enjoy creating memories for myself and others. I volunteer my efforts at the Church my family attends, my daughter’s sports teams as well as my town’s local historical society. Recently, I have been taking on more side gig work in doing portraits, sports and event photography. During the day, I’m attached to a computer as a software engineer to which I pound out and debug code. I like to spread myself out so I try and work as much as I can from the front end to the back. SQL is just as fun as javascript. Lately I’ve also been coding for Windows apps in C#, getting into some iOS development and more into cloud work in Azure and AWS. Recently I’ve also been involved in bringing a custom Salesforce solution online and leading development on that. Keeping up with the computer geek theme, my main systems are linux based (Fedora currently on a Framework laptop) with some Windows and OS X machines thrown in for work. Having finally switched full time back into Linux on my personal machines, I was able to ditch Adobe and their subscription plan to get back to open source solutions. For raw editing, I use darktable, KDenLive for video editing and DigiKam for jpg library management. On the phone side, I run Android, but a de-googled version (LineageOS + microG). Feel free to ask any questions about that. This website is simply a place for me to share some images I think might be worth sharing along with having a place where family can browse through my family collection. Take a quick browse through my portfolio page and my gallery and I hope you’ll enjoy. I enjoy chatting about gear, photography and biking, so feel free to start a conversation and email me.